Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Next Tuesday. . . My opinion

Mostly I stay out of Facebooking my politics or religiousity - though I'm sure they come out, regardless - but today I feel like sticking my neck out a bit.

More and more I'm convinced the source of all ways to improve our world (build the Kingdom of God, if you prefer that language). . . is through education. I know I'm not a teacher or even a real instructor of stuff. . .but I have such admiration for those people.

As such, if you're a Georgian and voting next Tuesday, I would ask you cast your vote for Joe Martin.

Read carefully at joemartin.org

Or to sum up, as my friend Syd as done, some of the high points:

I am supporting Joe Martin to be our next State School Superintendent, and I am asking that you vote for Joe on November 2.

Here are 10 reasons why:

1) Joe Martin actually has a great skills set for working on and with Georgia schools (as well as a a good track record at it!).

2) Joe Martin has the particular know-how to create new benchmarks that can move Georgia ahead in education.

3) While serving on his local school board for 20 years, Joe confronted some of the toughest challenges in education and yet delivered innovative solutions to real problems with proven results.

4) As an expert on the financing of education in Georgia, Joe Martin initiated significant improvements as a member of major state commissions appointed by three different Georgia Governors. Most recently, he has led the fight to protect schools by upholding the State Constitution.

5) As State School Superintendent, Joe will push to end furloughs, restore the school year, and reduce class sizes.

6) Joe Martin will encourage increased respect for educators and lessen the emphasis on standardized tests.

7) Economic times are tough. Unlike his opponents, Joe Martin has the strong business skills to make the optimum use of all available resources for the benefit of Georgia students.

8) Joe Martin has a plan for improving Georgia's schools at www.joemartin.org.

9) Joe Martin is not afraid to lead and to make the hard decisions required for improving Georgia schools.

10) Joe Martin has worked tirelessly for Georgia schools in the belief that improvements to education yield benefits for students, their families, the economic health of cities and towns, and the future of our state

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